Goodbye July β˜”

Hey Guys

Goodbye July

Its AGirlNamedEgypt and I’m back with yet “another” monthly favourites post πŸ˜…, Yes I know that I have been doing quite a few of these posts and less of my usual ones but I have just been SOO busy with life ( Schools crazay, I’m working towards mu Queens Guide for Girl Guiding which is a LOT of work,Part-time Work, Social life ect., Life is just really full on at the moment 😜 ) and also I do genuinely enjoy making these types of posts, It feels like I’m having a nice chat about my month with my friends; Which is exactly what I’m doing :-D.

But don’t worry, I am trying to get more creative and “AGirlNamedEgypt” type posts out, It’s just a matter of timing everything and not letting in to procrastination and just watching Teen Wolf instead πŸ˜‚ ( Oh and we are not going to talk about THE news about Teen Wolf either πŸ˜­ )

The Killers/ MCRX

I love The Killers and I usually listen to them a reasonably normal amount of time BUT this month I have literally listened to their album Hot Fuss at least once a day ( If not more than that πŸ˜… ) and it’s just FREAKING AMAZING!, I have subtly noticed over the last year or two that my music taste, hasn’t changed, but has “evolved” to a lot more of this “Indie / Alternative” style, Especially because of bands like Twenty One Pilots, & of course The Killers .


Although I have definitely not given up on my “emo/punk” music as you should have seen me when MCRX had its moment πŸ˜… ^Literally me when they announced that it wasnt a reunion/ tour which I had, low-key kinda guessed as they are doing pretty good with their current endeavours….. but my lil emo heart still broke ❀😭

Hush and Darkness

So at the start of July my family and I watched a Horror / Thriller movie called Hush on Netflix just for something fun to do and it was actually a really good “not so scary” movie and it was pretty enjoyable to watch and get ya blood pumping ….. Fast forward to the late afternoon and my family were going out to a store and I decided to stay home and play The Sims….. well turns out that wasn’t the best option πŸ˜…

I’m okay and nothing “too” scary happened BUT I’m going to keep the whole story a “hush” ( Get it πŸ˜‰ ) until Spooktober… SO you will just have to follow me and wait to find out what happened (β–°Λ˜β—‘Λ˜β–°)

Bullet Journaling

Yes, I have jumped onto the *late* train of bullet journaling and yes I am in love πŸ˜.

I’m planning on doing a whole post about this so I wont talk too much but here’s a snippet of my experience. I am only a beginner so I’m still learning and changing as I’m going but so far I’m loving it because its such a clever way to incorporate all your planning and organisational needs into one journal, The way I use it is been keeping it pretty simple and adding some rainbow colours, Fun collections and cute lil things peppered through to keep it “fresh” and exciting to view and it’s just a nice way to express my creativity and stay organised at the same time.

Bullet Journal

Here are a few of my bullet journal “spreads” that I have so far ✌

PokΓ©mon Go

Okay, Now who doesn’t know about the app that has taken the world by storm last month, I for one am a huge nerd and watched PokΓ©mon heaps as a child and still do ( Although I can’t name them all like my brother can ┐(β€˜ο½ž`οΌ›)β”Œ ) and I really like the main idea of the game. Yes some very silly people have done some very silly things BUT if you use it how its meant to be used and go out with friends or family at a suitable time of day and in a safe/public place it’s a really fun game.  ( TIP: Don’t go out alone, at night in the woods or some shiz, Even if it’s for a Pikachu or Mewtwo, Your lives and safety are definitely more important than that πŸ’›)  I have been on a few hour + long walks with my family ( I would go on more if it wasn’t the middle of winter and freakin freezing at the moment ) and I have caught quite a quirky bunch that I am proud of :-).

Pokemon Go

Here are mine, …. yes I am a human cringe and named them appropriately ;), I’m also in Team Mystic πŸ’™ although I haven’t been in a Gym “battle” yet but I promise that dat boi will be reigning champion once I have ✊

New Haircut

Hairstyle 2016

Here are a few photos of me from Insta, trying to look sooo “kawaii” 😝

I finally got my hair cut and….. I REALLY love it!!, I actually got it cut pretty short and because of that “most” of the blonde has been cut out of my hair and at the moment I don’t know if I’m going to get it put back in or what but I’m really liking it how it is 😍

I have been posting heaps of photos on my snapchat ( @ agurlnamedegypt , AGirlNamedEgypt was weirdly already taken ) and Instagram of me trying out new “short” hair, hairstyles so go follow me on those if you haven’t already πŸ‘Œ

Well that was my July Favourites :-), I hope you enjoyed it and let me know in the comments if you were sad / mad/ happy about the MCRX announcements or something that you loved from July πŸ˜„

Till Next Time


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