DIY : Cat Ear Headband

Hey Guys

Diy Cat Ears

Its AGirlNamedEgypt and last month, If you follow me on my Social Medias you would have seen that I participated in the SPCA Cupcake Day ( Which was AMAZING and we raised $190.20! 😆💰💰 ), I wanted to do something cute to represent animals and I have always wanted those cute Cat Ear Headbands and as it was the night before I decided to make my own ;), So here is my Quite easy method to make DIY Cat Ear Headbands 😺
BTW: This post will be filled with cat emojis as Cats are my favourite 😄.

Diy Cat Ears 1

Tip : It’s best to use a headband that is the same colour of your hair as it makes it look more realistic and camouflage it in 👍

Tip : Bigger beads work better ( Say that 5 times fast 😂 ) as the smaller ones kinda slipped around and didn’t look as good at the end 😒


Diy Cat Ears 2

1. Using your wire cutters ( Be careful as they are sharp and you do need to apply quite a lot of pressure to cut through the wire ) cut two strips of wire that are 50cm long, Then fold each strip in half.

2. Now wrap one set of wire around the headband like ^, Try to place it where a Cats ear would be, So the lower side of the headband, But It doesn’t matter as if you do this step losely you can move the ears around once you are finished 😄, I find it better to wrap one piece of wire around the headband twice then do the same with the other piece of wire so they are both the same size.

3. Now to start adding beads, We are going to twist one piece of wire tightly 3 or 4 times around the other, Then place a bead on that piece of wire you just twisted around the other and repeat but this time twist the wire that dosent have a bead around the other piece of wire and add a bead to that wire, I repeated until I had 7 beads ( Although 7 was way to much so I took a couple off and just sticked with 5, 2 on each side of the ear and one on the tip of the ear, which actually helps make the ear more triangular )

Diy Cat Ears 4

4. Now when you have enough beads make sure to leave a little bit of wire left to wrap around the headband just like step 1.

5. Now you have one ear, Depending on your bead placement the ear may be rounded so just squeeze and form the wire until it makes a pointed cat ear, Repeat steps 1-5 with the other ear.

6. Now that both of your ears are made, Try the band on to see if they are in the right place, If not just move them slightly, Using your pliers grip the wrap you made on step 1 squeeze to tighten you may want to turn any sharp pieces of metal too so that they don’t stick out and You’re done 😻😻😻

Tada now you have your own Kitty Ear Headband 😸, I really liked the first one I made using white pearl beads as it looked really cute and classy 😽

If you re-create this DIY please send me a picture using my contact me ( in my about page ) or post it to twitter or instagram using #agirlnamedegyptwhanau as I would love to see your designs.

Leave your questions or thoughts in the comments below,

Till Next Time AGirlNamedEgypt 😽😽 xxx


3 thoughts on “DIY : Cat Ear Headband

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